women@DORDA Weltfrauentag – 08.03.2022
New Work – Anforderungen der "Generation Z" im Realitätscheck Es diskutieren: Elisa Aichinger, Partnerin Deloitte Österreich Dora Bertrandt, Founderin of Paragraphinnen Martina Ernst, Founderin of...
Deeptalk salary negotiation – TALTO – 15.03.2022
Talents of Tomorrow joined our #deeptalk together with Talto - Talents of Tomorrow and host Michael Stangl.
Topic of salaries – Damensache – 27.04.2022
In the evening of 27th April, I'll be in the studio of Damensache for the second webinar around the topic of salaries - this time with a focus on salary negotiations at work and when returning to...