Purpose vs. Payment – does money still matter at all for employees? – Morning Talk – 07.04.2022
On April 07 at 09.00 during an exciting Morning Talk Online at the WU Executive Academy, we will discuss 'Purpose vs. Payment - does money still matter at all for employees?' With me on the panel...
CareerCalling – Online Talk – 20.10.2021
Which are your questions when it comes to your first salary? Are you able to negotiate your salary as a beginner to the job market? Could this be considered as insolent? How can you best prepare for...
Nicht um jeden Preis – Erfolgreiche Preisverhandlung – Online Talk FidW Wien – 12.10.2021
Online-Talk Frau in der Wirtschaft Nicht um jeden Preis - Erfolgreiche Preisverhandlung Datum: 12.10.2021 Veranstalter: Frau in der Wirtschaft Inhalte: Wie verhandle ich Preise mit Kunden, Partnern...