Generali Lionesses – 28th february 2023
February 28, once again, I get to coach a group of Generali Lionesses who are going through a super program, given to Nina Alice Bauregger, founder of Austrian Leadership Academy, with the goal for...
Peer Coaching Session “People & culture management course” – 31th january 2023
January 31, 16h00 -18h00 WU Executive Academy, Peer-Coaching-Session with the participants of the People & Culture Management Course addressing the burning issue of ‚ How do we get more women...
Mixed Leadership – 26th January 2023
January 26, 18h00 – 20h00 ‘Mixed Leadership’ Haus der Industrie Schwarzenbergplatz 1031 Wien Not just giving inputs, just as important to receive inputs, looking forward to an exciting evening and...